BOTC/BOTF Discussion Thread 2

Ok… fair I guess.
But in that world still, good widow should be a no-go as that’s not the same :stuck_out_tongue:

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ive also seen a pit hag make a good spy on a night with 3 alive because it was an ojo game and they wanted to make sure the ojo couldnt miss


Because you get a free grim with it


I mean I’ve done some wild things.
I pit-hagged 2 players into good minions (I made one into the good mez because I knew they’d say the word. And the puzzlemaster into the good boomdandy because they were going to make a correct guess, but I told them to wait)

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ive seen a pit-hag create a good mastermind but it backfired hard because they got to proc a minstrel day lol

Oh my god lmao

we also had a cannibal mastermind (even though its useless because the demon’s exe will clear out the mm ability)

i ran a game where we had evil twin vortoxes for one or two steps in the night order, before the good vortox killed their twin
i may have made some dodgy st calls that game

that game is currently my brand of shame for why i am taking a break from storytelling

wait, this might be a stupid question, but I don’t see how Cannibal is relevant?

“You have the ability of the recently killed executee. If they are evil, you are poisoned until a good player dies by execution.”

this doesn’t say anything about Townsfolk?

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we’re asking if the cannibal gains a new non-townsfolk ability, doe sthe vortox affect that ability

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the answer is yes as per alchemist

That did happen once.
Even better is make the evil traveller the Demon. :wowee:

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why not the good traveller? apprentice snake charmer


The example I’m citing, the evil traveller had to become the new demon per the ability of said demon.

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Vortox’d alchemist with godfather ability is told “You are the Baron” then given the outsiders
Hatter/Pit-Hag shenanigans ensure. Godfather is in play.
Alchemist then gets told “You are the Pit-Hag” and is given a word, says it and becomes evil, but hates their existence.

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I would be happy if the ruling here was that misregistration didn’t trump general targeting abilities, but rather just interfered with information and whether other abilities activate or successfully trigger an effect.

To explain what I mean here, I mean like… a Spy failing to trigger a Preacher or Minstrel day is fine, your misregistration fooled their trigger. The Dreamer checking you learned different characters, that’s good. I don’t like the idea that a Spy should be susceptible to Vortox misinformation, or that it could just be completely immune to an Engineer. But I digress.

can you make the mez word “tinker, hatter, drunk”

More to do with Vortox

or “please pick a player and a character”