BotF I.I - Hand of Darkness - Good wins

You and many others…

If you insist we can do a 4f4

Aight, sure.
/whisper Atlas

And lunatic

And Marionette

I didn’t get a fisherman claim from Kiiruma in their 3f3’s

also now that I think about it why wouldn’t a juggler, if everyone thinks me or intensify are the demon, just juggle us both with imp/fang gu then toss out a random legion guess on one of us for the hell of it

only source of malfunction is puzzlemaster

although I do expect a certain somebody to be coming out with an actual psychopath kill sometime today, probably in the second half

/accept you make it

does anyone want to do a 24f24


Godamnit why did I waste my juggle when I could have just done that

I’ve talked with CRichard (and like, an actual conversation and not just 3f3) and I believe that their assertion about kiiruma is an educated guess

nvm I figured it out

I remember you were asking about Outsider claims, that’s probably why.

Anyhow, I’m gonna assume Crich put some thought into Juggle, since there was some interesting choices, most of which the reasoning I agree with (except the Kirruma one, 3f3 and him claiming your character is kind a bad reason) which feels V for me

Oh yeah true.

Those don’t matter since Psychopath can’t be both of those

why didnt they name boomdandy boomdaddy it would have been so much better

idk if someone wants to sanity-check me on this
but eli to me is reading socially evil as hell

looks like ur insane

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Throwing out a psychopath claim as a joke(?) doesn’t seem too evil to me I’d do it just to be funny as well.

That being said, you did whisper them for like 5 minutes and apparently said absolutely nothing of value. And I don’t see why someone would call attention to themselves like that.

Unless they’re the boomdandy.

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I hate the boomdandy.

those forums sure got blood on them

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Nani the heck