BotF I.I - Hand of Darkness - Good wins

Is Wazza Good

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Assuming anything I do had any thought into it is a blunder

So… you randomly picked a select group of people?

Yes or no

Depending on the answer I might be inclind to think ur v/w

I can think of 2 reasons for this answer.

but go on


Also right I guess I’ll answer my own question since someone’s bound to ask

  • Wazza - Execute
  • EggYolk - ?
  • CRichard - Pardon
  • Sharklifter - Pardon
  • Mistyx - ?
  • Nightingale - Execute
  • Leafia - Execute
  • Kiiruma - Execute
  • Zone_Q11 - Pardon
  • Intensify - Pardon
  • Arctic - Execute
  • Jarek - Execute
  • Whysper - ?
  • Atlas - ?
  • Eli - ?
  • GGhana - ?
  • Gorta - Exile

My reasons for executing Arc and Leafia are essentially mechanical or I disagree with them.

Theoretically Wazza should have the most content since she has a crap ton of claims but so far it doesn’t feel like she’s done much with them.

Night hasn’t dropped a take or read throughout this entire game pretty sure. Also I’m still not convinced about the RT…

Kiiruma’s opener looks kinda faked.

Jarek… he has some suspicious posts that might come from the perspective of a Fang Gu.

As for my Artist question… probably “Is atleast 3 players from a group of Zone, Mist, Leafia and Whysper good”

Oh I’ve done a lot with my claims lmao

why are you obsessed with me

why is everyone obsessed with me this game lmao


You’ve been working as hard as possible to get everyone to claim to you

Cause you’ve whispered the most people this game and have talked to a crap ton of people.

Also I’m expecting the most from you but so far you’ve just sorta… almost outted my character

yeah because it’s funny

On another unrelated manner to literally anything going on…

Nominations have opened! They close in 12 hours, or at 2021-12-08T15:47:00Z

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hold on guys I’ve got a plan, @Atlas

I am the Psychopath, I kill Kiiruma with a cheeky little pistol! @Host_Account_3

Wazza is this a joke or not.


I pinged Atlas for a reason, you’ll see

Uh haven’t nominations started already?