BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Did you learn something?
Or did Leafia?

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I think she selected no. We learnt roles


So what exactly happened to you? What were you told? Etc.
I’ve given you my full ability but having a bit more of a clear overview is good.

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You learn Leviathan


Cool that’s the exact same as me, so makes sense.

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@Leafia Want to whisper you by the way for feedback

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Did you get told that it was essentially a prisoner’s dilemma? Since my ability should tell you that.
And then did you get told to pick yes / no? Or agree / disagree? How is that part worded?

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“You agree to play Prisoner’s Dillema with Leafia”

(low size) “will you betray her?”

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The consequence for betraying Leafia wasn’t “she dies”, right?

I wasn’t told what would happen to her from the storytellers

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Given how most prisoner dilemmas have the most mutual benefit if they both cooperate, it’s interesting how it’s best here to betray.
You probably learned Leviathan because it’s an Outsider ability and she was dying anyway, yeah.


Yes, Sylvester?


Small Tutu can we whisper


Tutuu vanished again the moment you called ‘em small.

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@tutuu Large tutu, I ask you of whisperniveness

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Yeah, 1 betray, 1 ally (1 yes, 1 no) is good since it gives information
2 betrays is literally barista soberness which is even better

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Do you think it’s inverted to trick anyone who assumes it’s the normal dilemma?

D2 Whisper log.

Seat Order D2 Whispers (#2) (#3)
:heart: :ballot_box: [1] Bionic
:heart: :ballot_box: [2] SirDerpsAlot
:headstone: :ballot_box: [3] Leafia
:heart: :ballot_box: [4] Brakuren
:heart: :ballot_box: [5] Otterpopd
:heart: :ballot_box: [6] Kiiruma
:heart: :ballot_box: [7] Litten Atlas, Tutuu (2hr, 20mins) Someone (2hrs, 27mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [8] Silviu
:headstone: :ballot_box: [9] Atlas Litten, Tutuu (2hr, 20mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [10] Tutuu Litten, Atlas (2hr, 20mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [11] Magnus
:headstone: :ballot_box: [12] May
:heart: :ballot_box: [13] Amelia
:heart: :ballot_box: [14] Someone Litten (2hrs, 27mins)
:headstone: :ballot_box: [15] Marluna