BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

A fluffy mongus

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Man I wish I could have triple whispers

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Unofficial Votecount

Nominator Nominee # Voters
Kiiruma’s Election 1 Kiiruma
Brakuren Someone 0
Not Voting 14 Bionic, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, Brakuren, otterpopd, Litten, Silviu200530, Atlas, tutuu, Magnus, May, Amelia, Someone, Marluna

Kiiruma’s Election (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (14): Bionic, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, Brakuren, otterpopd, Litten, Silviu200530, Atlas, tutuu, Magnus, May, Amelia, Someone, Marluna

VOTE: Kiiruma’s Election.
For science.

You, too, can be at risk of ambiguous Vizier death!

Probably I mean using an outsider to distort perceptions and make people make bad decisions… makes sense.

Is the soberness really worthwhile for most people? I know drunken’ing exists as a possibility, but it’s a lizards game so it probably won’t be untraceable.

Anyone has an idea why

Why there’s 3 deaths

Litten thinks it’s a Shab kill. (This doesn’t explain the third death.)
Nobody has claimed the kills either, implying they’re all evil directed.
It could have to do with anticlaim, fearkilling, whisper sickness, etcetera. Kiiruma’s ability could have an unstated kill attached to it (I find this unlikely).

(We don’t know why, but we know how.)

But doesn’t shabaloth from the base game like, kills 2 people and one comes to life again

Wait gasp, somebody will be revived!

But still geesh. That’s like 4 deaths if we also include the execution

If my death is regiszered as an outsider…

no whisper allowed for me

not for me
I know if my info is poisoned solely due to it being wrong
it’s been right twice
(Also love not dying despite being an open claimed info role)

The saddest little kitten in the west

The idea checks out from the Outsider count, but a Townsfolk Spy has no reason to register as an Outsider to a Godfather unless they’re good; and nobody has claimed the kill. You could register as an Outsider to Leafia independent of a Godfather registration too, so there’s no motive like that.

If your target was poisoned and you were sober, would you detect that?

sad litten might get a whisper actually