BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I have more reasons I’ve just already explained them

There are certain abilities which form two-way confirmation chains. One of these are at play here.

thinking someone is a wolf and telling them youre going to vig or exe them

I don’t like repeating myself

If you can confirm that Brakuren is good and explain why that makes the game a lot easier for everyone involved here and this was my reason for accusing them and not having them instantly hammer

and by at play, you mean already used on you and brak?

Yes. But not after every sentence they make

So? That doesn’t mean they can’t be town.

I interpreted it as May wanting the greencheck to be real when it wasn’t.

They aren’t due to reasons I’ve already explained. Anti Whisper mechanics are > rand wolf, and Littens ability just feels fake

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It was not “used”, but yes.

you’re calling them wolves because youre apparently confirmed, specifically including someones ability confirming you

I can confirm as well with my convo with her

Now those sound like reasons. What is Litten claiming?

If you track purely by whispers, Someone / Litten / SDA makes sense as a trio since they’ve repeatedly whispered each other on concurrent days, fyi.

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then why would it be vice versa
dont you mean youve yet to confirm them?

What I said I was

Some wacky ass fortune teller who has to use a Google doc and who has the wackiest feedback imaginable

I will be blunt
If people accuse me of being teamed with someone the vizier executions will continue until morals improve