BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

this is his first botc game

The idea was misreg

A comparison would be like saying knowing what a Town Doctor does is a social play.

Why are we so hell bent on kills being coordinated in whispers it’s a very specific world view to die on

what do you think of my reasons for clearing people of being Saint
that’s what I spent a majority of last night rhinking about which is why I decided to check turuu

There were 3 deaths. That’s a lot.

What about someone who’s not played fm before knowing what a bus driver is

That’s a better comparison as the name dosent just give the role away

I don’t understand botc mech enough to know why tf that means kills were cordinated

The Saint is not an Outsider. An evil gained the Saint ability in addition to their role


The fact that I died makes it more likely evils were Not falling for my act

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Looking up an equal function role to a basic FM role.
If you were evil you knew what the General did, and you had to pick four roles for characters anyway so you likely looked up the wiki ahead of time. This is not a hill. It’s hardly a mound.

(Or demon got the Saint ability and went fuck that)

Yeah I know but I’m going off of Litten’s idea of “The demon is a Saint.”

I went to the wiki presses random and chose that for all my characters lmfao

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Litten I wanted you to claim to have the Tinker ability so I could claim Outisder Baron and get the Saint to out, because I thought “the Saint ability is a greencheck” would be way more realistic if I said you were greenchecked

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Is that another confirmed evil thing?

What about it