BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

i love talking to you, and youre fun to play around and mess with
but if there was a 1 story window i could throw you out of


I’m currently stressed and trying to do homework, which I have been trying to do the entire day but keep getting pulled back here

and im sick and this is weighing on my mind

we are going to stop having this conversation and both leave

May was the one who whispered me and then immedaitelt asked me to do something which raised my red flags, which is why all of this happened.

i’ll talk about this later

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But I think they are just telling the truth, and I think I know what role they are, and since my prior assumtpions of me asking around were proven false, I think they are good /shrug

you went back and forth on it being a greencheck or a redcheck, and before this conversation started you were currently talking about it being a redcheck, which i disagreed on
which is why we talked

/whisper @Amelia

I don’t even remember what we discussed what I remember is what my current head is thinking and what it has been thinking which I hopefully explained

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'm just gonna leave
i promise i wont come back (soon)


you know a role is good when you need a word document and you can have people debate what it means

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Have a good day, Atlas.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to having my own chats after finishing… that thing.

Litten is totally the evil Demon but it’s w/e.

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I’m jumping to you tonight

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That’s more warning than last time.

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my bluffs are town crier fang gu and flower girl

I’m all three of those though.

Whisper log.

Seat Order D1 Whispers (#2) (#3)
:heart: :ballot_box: [1] Bionic Someone (10mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [2] SirDerpsAlot
:heart: :ballot_box: [3] Leafia
:heart: :ballot_box: [4] Brakuren Litten (8mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [5] Otterpopd
:heart: :ballot_box: [6] Kiiruma
:heart: :ballot_box: [7] Litten May (14mins) Brakuren (8mins) Atlas (28mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [8] Silviu
:heart: :ballot_box: [9] Atlas Litten (28mins) May (22mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [10] Tutuu
:heart: :ballot_box: [11] Magnus
:heart: :ballot_box: [12] May Litten (14mins) Atlas (22mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [13] Amelia
:heart: :ballot_box: [14] Someone Bionic (10mins)
:heart: :ballot_box: [15] Marluna

Sorry for playing like that may, I’ve been doing homework the entire time and I also had to do a whole word document for this game and my thoughts were separated into game / homework which caused me to just end the whisper once I had the thought of “why are you asking ME instead of doing Y”

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