BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Bionic, Derps, Silviu, Tutuu, Amelia
With an off-shot of Magnus, Brakuren (Give them a day)
And an even moreso off-shot of Otter/You/Someone

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That was the Shab theory.

Ah. If we have a shab, I wonder what its alignment is.

I will admit derp could be evil and I’m still issuing there, but I do know he slipped how his role worked multiple times, not just the safe from the demon, there was a terminology he used that couldn’t be found on the Wikipedia

So if he’s evil he likely is indeed that role he slipped as just in a different way

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I actually intentionally have been using that term because I wouldn’t know it if it wasn’t in my card lol

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People have had a week to come up with fakeclaims while cards were being created just in case people rolled evil, don’t forget that

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Which term are we talking about I’m talking about base3




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On second thought it’s not slip it’s a role slip

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Role slip but not necessarily alignment? Gotcha


Yeh I believe he has that role but I can see that role being evil and if he was the evil role of course he claims to get monk

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The only reason I remembered the other skip was may mentioning base 3

See as any anyalignment I use base3 to townslip myself but I don’t say that as wolf


no you would

I could very well see you being the demon too

Yeah I realized that halfway thru but was committed to the post

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I am not chasing it down today but it’s a tbought in my head