BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I legit have nothing to gain from saying im super op or whatever if im evil

Your push on me, Bionic and Magnus all being evil.
When we’re the outsiders.
At least 1 (if not multiple of us) have to be legit.

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Kiiruma doesn’t need to be evil in order for Someone to be telling the full truth. In fact, If Kiiruma is good, it’s more likely that Someone is telling the full truth.

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I think Magnus isnt listening on purpose

No, he has to, he said Kiiruma couldn’t have affected him unless he was evil gimself

And if I was confirmed good on top of that, it means my reason to clear Amelia is fine and Otter’s also good, so there’d be at least evil between Litten and SDA, due to the Artist question.

So all of this is true from Someone’s perspective, right?


I don’t believe in misregstration

You saying something bad isnt a good person looking like they are evil

My issue is my ability could cause me to register as evil so I can’t rule out that Someone is telling the truth.

This is so so so common

You’re very likely the only legit one.

Someone claimed immunity to abilities caused by good players. Kiiruma caused Someone’s power to fail.


I never said that

…this’ll require a bit of thought.

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Neither of the people in the team I suggested seems like they would choose Shab

You are intentionally putting words in my mouth

I’m very much listening.
One of us has to be real.

Someone there are worlds you are good but they are so miniscule and it’s much more likely you are evil.
For you to be good, Bionic has to be evil (So you v Bionic always have 1v1 evils).
From your world building Magnus + Brak likely also would both be evil as well.

This means that I am good in your main world. And I’m registering as evil.
It is possible, I just think it’s a bit less probable.

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