BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

I don’t believe in Kiiruma misregistering

Too niche

What was the bad thing then

Kiiruma do you know

We have seen 0 bad things happen

Misregister is the MOST common bad thing

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I could be registering as evil due to my own ability.
I cannot rule that out. That’s the only world in which Someone is good.

This is a good time for me to claim mutant.

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People can go out of their way to choose weird roles, to be fair.
If anyone wants to claim Atheist, I’m all ears.

So true bestie

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Story tellers seemed confused when I suggested nominating them so either they are wolfing us extremly hard or

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Actually, you did because you said only evils can affect you when you’re evil.

Possible? It’s more than possible, it’s the most likely world we live in. Brak said he’d know the demon by now Kiiruma, yet he doesn’t. Bionic and Magnus randomly claimed outsider today yet Magnus believes Bionic’s claim of being outsider too. I highly doubt we have three outsiders in this game. Brak and Magnus are obviously evil here.


Yes, but good can look like they are evil if they misregister. See Recluse or Spy

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Its like a common BotC thing

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Yup and I think that’s the case here. Kiiruma even said he can register as evil.

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Same reason why I cant say for 100% sure if somebody is evil or good, just 99% due to misregistration

It would make sense with the timing

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Other people said that, Brak was just being hopeful.

I explicitly trust Bionic is good, I think he’s goofing from the Outsider count and ability wording, but if he sticks with it I’ll accept it.

Why not?

I wish I was given a tower the hosts are bad at predicting the future do I look like the impulsive type to toy guys hosts?((

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