BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

because they register as evil no?

Due to another evil player’s ability, yes. Wouldn’t you be immune to it, since you would be to other roles like Gossip in this case?

but gossip is direct

let me ask

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Huh. I tried to differentiate Gossip from other abilities (where a player directly targets someone) much for this reason.

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As well as the Mezepheles thing.

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yea but like all of those are like X → Y

To be fair, so is this hypothetical.
It would affect you directly from another player. The dead victim doesn’t really matter a whole lot except as a proxy.

I asked, will tell you when get answer

but it would prob the same like if cere makes X mad that im evil

im not the one who is mad, so it would still happen

You’re thinking of Harpy. Those aren’t really the same scenario because that one affects the targeted player, whereas mine affects your alignment.

yeah but he registers as evil, so I would think I would become evil

But it’s from an evil player’s ability affecting your place in the gamestate, which you should be immune to.

The ability wouldn’t be affecting me, it would be affecting the person being executed, so I would become evil.

and the execution sentence is before the immunity sentence, so it would prob go in that order

ok im heading to sleep

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Yes it would be. It affects you directly.
But if that’s the point you’re trying to make, sure. You don’t think it would work because it’s not an ability going at your slot. In that case, Kiiruma couldn’t misregister as evil for your immunity due to his Outsider ability because that’s also at your slot, it’s not by proxy the same way my example was. He targeted you directly.

The something bad happening due to my ability can last multiple phases.

It does mean that for the sake of Someone’s ability, for them to be good, I’ve been under the effects of the Recluse ability for a while (N1+) but haven’t known it. This is possible, hence why I can’t rule out Someone being good 100%.

I could be registering as good to some abilities and evil to others.

I’m really looking forward to finding out this is just a FPS and Someone never has switched alignments once, but claims that they do as leverage. And that their ability is just Vanilla Vizier but is based on whispers too a bit.

@Someone if you’re good we need to be able to realise that this does work. But please if you’ve been lying about any part of your ability, it feels like a good time to be saying you’ve been lying and explain what you actually do. As things stand you’ve built a hard you v Bionic stance and one where I’d have to have just gained the Recluse ability from the get go.

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