BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

@Magnus FTR I know Litten’s role and it is simple enough to put on a character token and thematic. The Google Doc is mostly Litten complaining

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this is basically the crux of it yeah

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In short you have a massive skill issue?


He doesn’t need to read the entire fucking Google Doc to understand his role it’s just background knowledge

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All currently released characters: Townsfolk, Outsider, Minion, Demon, Fabled, Travellers

Alchemist, Amnesiac, Artist, Atheist, Balloonist, Bounty Hunter, Cannibal, Chambermaid, Chef, Choirboy, Clockmaker, Courtier, Cult Leader, Dreamer, Empath, Engineer, Exorcist, Farmer, Fisherman, Flowergirl, Fool, Fortune Teller, Gambler, General, Gossip, Grandmother, High Priestess, Huntsman, Innkeeper, Investigator, Juggler, King, Knight, Librarian, Lycanthrope, Magician, Mathematician, Mayor, Minstrel, Monk, Nightwatchman, Noble, Oracle, Pacifist, Philosopher, Pixie, Poppy Grower, Preacher, Professor, Ravenkeeper, Sage, Sailor, Savant, Seamstress, Shugenja, Slayer, Snake Charmer, Soldier, Steward, Tea Lady, Town Crier, Undertaker, Village Idiot, Virgin, Washerwoman

Acrobat, Barber, Butler, Damsel, Drunk, Golem, Goon, Hatter, Heretic, Klutz, Lunatic, Moonchild, Mutant, Plague Doctor, Politician, Puzzlemaster, Recluse, Saint, Snitch, Sweetheart, Tinker

Assassin, Baron, Boomdandy, Cerenovus, Devil’s Advocate, Evil Twin, Fearmonger, Goblin, Godfather, Harpy, Marionette, Mastermind, Mezepheles, Organ Grinder, Pit-Hag, Poisoner, Psychopath, Scarlet Woman, Spy, Vizier, Widow, Witch

Al-Hadikhia, Fang Gu, Imp, Kazali, Legion, Leviathan, Lil’ Monsta, Lleech, No Dashii, Ojo, Po, Pukka, Riot, Shabaloth, Vigormortis, Vortox, Zombuul

Angel, Bootlegger, Buddhist, Djinn, Doomsayer, Duchess, Ferryman, Fibbin, Fiddler, Garder, Hell’s Librarian, Revolutionary, Sentinel, Spirit of Ivory, Stormcatcher, Toymaker

Apprentice, Barista, Beggar, Bishop, Bone Collector, Bureaucrat, Butcher, Deviant, Gangster, Gunslinger, Harlot, Judge, Matron, Scapegoat, Thief, Voudon

Technically Deus Ex Fiasco existed for Fabled but it’s gone now due to it being misused.

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Sure, I was just typing up a message for future reference lmao

I genuinely believe his role to be real and believe if evil he has it

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The first part of this is exactly what I perceived from you, true. The second part, if you’re feeling uncharitable against May, is “this player was trying to bamboozle you and potentially anticlaim you”. Why not mess with that if you’re vigilant?

(Granted, this part doesn’t really mean anything whatsoever in comparison to other more important points, it’s just a mild oddity.)

To help people. Plus also if anyone wants to quick search a character now that message will come up

I was doing homework at the same time and was stressed about meeting the due date

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This is not how I heard it.

That’s because you asked brak who thought my role was me speaking in runes

/whisper @Kiiruma (2/3)

/Whisper Marluna (2/3)

Well, yeah. The way I heard it, your role was wildly inconsistent from your character selection and BotC’s theming as a whole, needlessly complicated and too vague and unhelpful to justify said complexity; implying maybe fifty or so addendums which couldn’t possibly fit on the token to understand its mechanics.

Yeah no it’s pretty simple 20 words

It’s not asking for the best one either

It’s actually pretty powerful I just need to figure out why I got what I did which is why it’s not as powerful as it can be

It’s basically a weird dreamer but it gets weaker as the game goes on, I got a lot of information night one off what I was shown but it’s going to be harder to be get any useful information as the nights go on (plus I may die)