BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

were you given an ability last night by an anoyomosu source

So not you then, got it

I might not be the demon, but I did just kill Amelia :3

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@Magnus are you having an affair with Silviu

What are you interested in doing today

I was hurrying during our whisper, but after I thinking about your ability doesn’t makes sense.

Your ability itself prevents to do what you are claiming.


I couldn’t abstain myself from putting my minecraft bed next to Magnus’

Reread my ability please!

You’re dead MAGNUS is mine


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Well he can’t be yours if you don’t put that comma between dead and MAGNUS.

How could you elope with Silviu

I was half-dead with exhaustion when Silviu pulled me over to talk about corporate ladder discussions… it sounded like fun…


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Yeah. The bed placing was a marketing strategy for a communal shared interest over interior decoring.

So you didn’t cheat on me?

Which one is more romantic? Putting a two-bed in the middle? Or put together 2 1-beds together to sustain the feelings of comfort and togetherness? Even if it could be put apart?

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I’m not such an untrustworthy rascal, rest assured.

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More romantic?
The 2-person bed.

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