BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

The novelty stays in whenever a couple entering their newly acquired apartment feels more special when they have 2 beds placed next to each other or when the bed is already prefabricated to comfort 2 people already (boring).

See? A clean bussiness affair ponder

But it also have the possibility of separeting them very easily. Which doesn’t feel romantic for me.

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With controlled town KP if derp is telling the truth I imagine scum have a backup plan if the demon gets shanked, granted alchemist assassin exists as a concept but for such a large game it would be a crime if it ended that early.

Killing the demon.
Also finding someone who will say no to my thing

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No I meant, do you have any idea on who we should kill? What I’m trying is to figure out what we should be doing and I have no mechanical basis to go off today besides social reads

Litten clearly didn’t sleep in during his first day of lizards (where is Jarek when the thematically relevant game drops?!?)


Mate I have no clue.
I’ve only had 2 chats.
And I find both of them a bit questionable but not so much that I’d want them dead immediately.

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If I read it word by word, it sounds you are a very different role, what you suggests.
(So it isn’t a syntax error from your side, I assume. It sounded weird and Ithought you just misremembered the exact wording. I told @Kiiruma about my confusion.)

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Litten has been awake since like 6 genuinely what

I’ve slept for three hours, at least

That’s bad for your health Litten your probably short irl

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I’m not entirely sure I follow, but I can give you the Lizards guide that I believe snowe and hazard used for it. It’s not really confirmed whenever the hosts are making it entirely up, but a basic premise on how roles work is that, roles get mutated.
The roles get built starting from a general theme and build it from there. They don’t just take the role word-for-word and just switch some things around, there’s also some uniquity that can appear.



I know I was up until 3AM but you gotta be sleeping more

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I agree

So many posts. x.x Anyone have a TL:DR of what has gone on?

I can’t believe Magnus and I finally got in trouble for reenacting Titanic in emojis in our neighbour whisper

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I think Magnus was trying to communicate something game-relevant but I wasn’t getting any of it I was just fucking around

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Litten is a being made from fire, fire that fuels their absolute passion and their inability to not stay in one single place supervised not even for 5 seconds!