BoTF XIII.1 Grave Digging and Filling Day Six (Final Day) Evil Win

just bc you were trolling doesnt mean youre a troll to be clear

…trust me theres a difference

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oh yeah I forgot turn order

no not really
trolling is knowningly
troll is a person who does it knowingly

@Jarek we need to talk

ft has a red herring in their role if u read it

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Yeah, I saw that, and it is definitely a possibility

it also has a red herring if u dont read it ftr
not reading your ability text doesnt make you find the demon better

I guess from Jarek’s claim, I can see these main possibilities

  1. Nancy really is the Demon

  2. Either one of us is the Good player that the FT sees as Demon

  3. Jarek is malfunctioning somehow

Or I guess even maybe Jarek is the Imp and killed himself to starpass

I dont think hes poisoned, he might be drunk but that implies baron/balloonist and him getting it on his n1 ping would be strange


Theres so many better suspects than him

This is a n1 thing by the way
So they’d have to poison him then

Well, he was getting accused. And I think maybe his reaction about getting scumread for arbitrary reasons was genuine. But it is just that sometimes arbitrary reasons happen to land on the correct result. :slight_smile: So maybe he was Imp but didn’t like how he was getting SR for reasons that didn’t seem good enough. I’ve seen other players react this way before.

He’d have to be extremely paranoid of lynch and would likely talk about it with Minions

i will say that i have heard of a reason to take jarek’s claim with a grain of salt

Well, he was reacting about the lynch and maybe really thought he couldn’t handle another day like that

Well, considering who’s saying that

No, he defenitly would’ve talked about it with others beforehand, and known there’s better targets

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He only whispered me and night, and that was before voting