I’m his cohost though.
that doesn’t mean you’re right
also he decides who gets in, not you
Not for long
It means that my word has more weight than yours over whether or not -666 counts as 6 though.
now this is a power dynamic and my ego cannot handle it
no it uh
really doesn’t
basic math has to say otherwise
I think you mean we both decide who gets in there.
no he does your just there
Incorrect. I’m here to help him out with hosting and stuff like that.
Then get me wotm’d out to prove your right
I am
Extremely stubborn
We can see that
intensify you don’t understand
my extremely fragile ego is on the line here
it is from when I was a child
Wisdom of the host
Basically get me kicked
I mean mod
but it is host
Even if we had players lined up to play, I don’t think you’ve done anything that warrants that. Besides, a part of me is enjoying this discussion we’re having even if it has gotten a bit annoying at times.
yeah but it makes me feel better because I can’t stand people thinking they’re better than me as a person or something
its a weird thing that just boils down to me being an asshole