BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

in botc you can’t really afford to go after health risks tbh right?
scholar n1 death isn’t that bad for us

at least for the minions

i mean achro also was kinda powerful
idve loved to be the standard bearer or something

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It’s entirely possible ybw learned jarek was the twins and just claimed it without realizing jarek was a minion when they got augor

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@Litten What whisper did YBW claim to see Twins in? I want to see where they could’ve been told to do that

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You whispered her several times, silly. I want to know which specific whisper with you.

that’s gonna be hard to figure out let me see

The 12th one


Maylocks Sholmes on the case

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Whatever day 26th was

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It was the first whisper that day with them

This seems so believable tho

But Jarek can’t be evil because of Achro and Apo

Unless you think Leafia is actually good all along

Scholar only adds an outsider
Hauraspex adds sparactus
If there’s no outsider, night was added

Alright, here’s where it happened. All the people who could’ve told YBW to claim Twins:

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did baker ever whisper karek

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Owww crap

Time to see where baker and Wazza could’ve told then Jarek is Twins.

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