BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

my neighbours ain’t evil, if nuto’s not cult leader
nuto’s ain’t, at all

we just wait
nuto, to be safe, mind joining your own cult too

/join nuto’s cult

I did forget to do that last time lol


oh and to quell anything
why can’t i be lleech with my talons in nuto?
well, thats the part where we make their cult lead, then kill them, comes in

all i have to say is if you plan on saying no for any reason, ask amelia why it all works
you trust em if you don’t trust me, anyhow

I mean you could be lleech with your talons in someone else lol.

If my cult fails, then I can die, that’s okay!

Then Atlas can do a cult and we’re all happy.


Everyone :clap: Join :clap: MY :clap: CULT


this game should be adapted into some form of media


there ain’t no vortox
we are missing a drunk, to be fair
but how the hell would i manage it being you
and i ain’t drunk, we wouldn’t have struck such a fine deal otherwise

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join nuto’s cult

can I do that while dead?


/join all cults

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I’m convinced /Join Crazynuto’s cult @Host_Account_2

so that leaves lleech and lil monsta
if im lil monsta, we win by joining you
if im lleech, we win by joining you
if im lleech and i made you drunk, we win by joining you, and when it doesnt work, killing you

if you die and the game doesnt end, we win by joining me, because none of my neighbours are evil if you are

Lleech be lleeching.

Either way I don’t mind how this goes. Cults 4 Life!


Live action clocktower

I’d kill to watch that

but if you die in the game you die in real life.

You come back as a ghost though

Gotta finish the game after all


im gonna shut up now
if you say no, im afraid you didn’t really read anything
discuss with amelia why it works, if you can’t trust me

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