BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

I’m glad we are killing w!zone makes me feel really happy that Litten won’t be jumped by them tonight :curtain:

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My prediction is that no one is gonna be executed today again

We’re not killing me Litten and I’m not a wolf.

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me too much with how today has been.

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Rn there’s four votes to execute leafia, so we probably do

Doubt it. Very much so.

People are going to see sense and execute Zone.

Also, you, Zone, and Kiiruma are the only ones I can see voting to execute me.

Who’s the four?
You and Zone obviously
Leafia said Kiiruma which makes sense
I don’t remember a fourth but I could be trippin

Also, there’s one big problem with the Leafia/Guava world you’re spinning too. In order for it to be the case, there’d have to be no gossip kill which means that Crazy was killed by the demon, and I would’ve definitely targeted you last night if I was the demon.

Who is the you in this sentence


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Oh yeah, Litten was protected by the innkeeper

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/Whisper Litten

We need to talk. To figure out who the real demon is in case it’s not Zone. I might be vonfbiased on him at this point.

Yes. Yes they can be.
It’s fairly common in fact for the first farmers to be the more harmful things to town, to leave other powerful things alive as a reward to the good team.

E.G. I was the Drunk and was made into the Farmer. I was annoyed because I was thinking I was powerful but during the round robin I learned that and was like… Ok, fair.

What did you think you were?

IIRC Monk lol

Ah. What’s that role’s ability?

Each night*, choose a player (not yourself): they are safe from the Demon tonight

If it’s an imp game then it’ll protect from just the kill.
But if it’s different demons such as the Vortox (Which makes townsfolk information false) it can stop that too :smiley:

Ah wow.

Going to head out for now too. :sleepingleafeon: