BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

Yeah. You’re pl robably right. Sorrabout not trusting you about Zone earlier.

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I would have stated it sooner but I was trying to figure out what you were even talking about in the first place

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@crazynuto @Silviu200530

I have no clue where either of your heads are at
Thoughts on the evil team?

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I know Nuto can’t vote but it’s still worth having their opinion

Change can’t to shouldn’t.

I don’t know. You tell me.
How stupid do you think I am?
You’re asking the opposite party to answer a question that is directed towards you.

Damn. I should just stop playing with you at this rate.

Why would a human ask questions if they didn’t know something? You couldn’t have not missed that because otherwise you wouldn’t have said you didn’t know.

How the fuck does this make sense?
“Ah, yes. I don’t fucking read. Therefore I am Good.”

What kind of vomit-inducing feces is this? I know I have a terrible memory, but I’m pretty damn sure I told everyone at least once about how I don’t use meta to read people.

Ah, fuck it. I’ll just mute you. This isn’t worth losing braincells over.

Contradiction, because you wouldn’t have been confused why I pardoned Luna. And thus this has become blatant lie #3.

No shit Sherlock. I don’t even remember my own meta, and now you’re asking me to tell me based on my own meta why I am not scum!?

Like, I remember I was told that I was very self-aware of my own meta, but in the end this entire conversation just goes down the drain of fucking WIFOM.

Try asking it yourself: “Each and everything you have done right now. How do you prove they all come from Good!Leafia and not Evil!Leafia?”


Sounds like bullshit considering it’s only been 50 posts, but whatever. Human memory is faulty, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Still refusing to say anything else, because you can’t say anything else. There is no argument to this statement. No backbone. You are forcing your god-complex ideology of “I say so, and thus I am correct” on everyone and–

…and this has happened before.
…I am just wasting energy again, aren’t I?
Talking to a wall, imitating a human.
…this game is pointless.


It’s not directed towards me. It’s directed towards you. The answer if you’re a townsfolk is that I could be one, but you immediately started acting like I was a villager that hadn’t seen all the posts you made.

  1. They could’ve forgotten.
  2. They could be evil and want to make it look like they’d forgotten or missed it.
  3. Both 1 and 2.

I literally never said that. I’m just saying that you wouldn’t assume that I missed something if you were town. You might think it’s a pl ossibility at best.

Memory Zone. Memory. Just because I forgot something doesn’t mean I didn’t read it.

Doesn’t mean you can’t even try to convince people.

You’re doing the exact same thing Zone.

Sighs This has gone way too far Zone. I’ll stop now. I’m truly sorry about all of this. This has devolved into some really toxic behavior from both of us.

Going to head out for now. I need a break. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m glad we are killing w!leafia makes me feel really happy that ima not be jumped by them tonight :curtain:

I’m glad we are killing w!zone makes me feel really happy that Litten won’t be jumped by them tonight :curtain:

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My prediction is that no one is gonna be executed today again

We’re not killing me Litten and I’m not a wolf.

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me too much with how today has been.

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Rn there’s four votes to execute leafia, so we probably do

Doubt it. Very much so.

People are going to see sense and execute Zone.

Also, you, Zone, and Kiiruma are the only ones I can see voting to execute me.

Who’s the four?
You and Zone obviously
Leafia said Kiiruma which makes sense
I don’t remember a fourth but I could be trippin

Also, there’s one big problem with the Leafia/Guava world you’re spinning too. In order for it to be the case, there’d have to be no gossip kill which means that Crazy was killed by the demon, and I would’ve definitely targeted you last night if I was the demon.

Who is the you in this sentence