BOTF XXV: Extension Cord Game Over

What’s wrong with ice being the demon here?

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personally I’m waiting for that one to sprout wings and magically turn into a 2

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I thought Icet was claiming Monk, they are not claiming Monk.

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Does monk stopping the kill cause math to increase bt 1?

…Well, it should according to the precedent.
But Kiiruma would know that.

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“Choose a player: they die.”
If that player doesn’t die by any means, it’s 1.

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im good i swear

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I’m going to eat you and use your bones munch munch.

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thats what I do

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/Whisper Storytellers.

The hosts confirmed to me the Mario question. And with that my daily contribution is up. Good luck guys.


/Whisper Storytellers as well.

So we don’t have to worry about the Marionette neighbouring a good Recluse, nice.

@Dec are you still around?

wait I just realized
we can have two fisherman abilities

I nominate @someone

thats my daily contribution, let’s provide enough fish for us all to eat

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Fish are friends, not food.

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keep a fisherman alive and you can feed one person
chop the fisherman up and resurrect him and you can feed three people
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few

In the meantime, you’re clearing out the habitat and driving marine species to extinction.

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