I can hear the trees in my ears
they are telling me to not submit my NA tonight

what am I supposed to do with all that extra free time tho


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no you’re supposed to go fail at logging into club penguin

Im also currently doing that

thats what I have two monitors for

question have you and buonic whispered anything

not a thing

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typically when you ask this question involving bionic the answer is no

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I mean not that they couldve stopped me from neighbor whispering them if I wanted

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you know you have apoint

…realizing the botc games on anarchic dont have neighbor whispers so I have no frame of reference

I mean it absolutely is a world. I know someone who’s alive but seems dead (Due to someone else)

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what the fuck why is there actually a zombuul amogus

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the other world is the topic i mentioned in whispers to you
Which we can test at any time

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Well, it depends if it’s like normal zomb, or if it’s a different world.

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I think it would explain a lot of things

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I really look forward to on Final 3 when we discuss if to kill a living player or a corpse.

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I love longform zombuul :heart_eyes:

(last time someone ran longform zombuul it went to day 9)