It took 10 seconds from Kiirumas post to your reply.
You typed 87 words.

That means your wpm is 522

I understand that, but understand this, I do not play how I have been playing this game as evil, much less as the demon. And I’ve been trying to explain this the entire game to people. You will kill me today and the game won’t end precisely because I told you the optimal path to victory is keeping derp alive, and when I die I want you to know that you killed me for trying to play optimally.

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And it still satisfies Brakuren’s thoughts about Litten being one of the top candidates.

Congrats on your WR

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Brak has felt very socially towny to me overall

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I don’t see it, but I’m happy to leave Brak for a day if you’d rather.

VOTE: Litten
VOTE: May’s Election
VOTE: Kiiruma’s Election

Indeed! I can type VERY FAST? Do you want me to list all the actions I have done today to advance the town win condition?

  1. Look at all my assumptions, major and small, to see whether or not they make sense
  2. I flooded at all the claims and realized that Derp being alive makes the most mechanical sense here and I’ve looked at bionic claim and realize it’s likely flaw, which means you by extension look better since magnus would be more likely to be telling the truth
  3. I’ve looked at the possiblity of a zombuul which is the main problem that I want to test now

These all are going to be the reason I die today, isn’t it?

VOTE: Litten

for the memes can I convince yall to vote me for the election

The WR is 300 wpm

So uh yeah

Ive been playing forum mafia exclusively on phone for like five years

Oi Brakuren, vote for Litten if you’re thinking Litten’s a demon candidate.

They have.

No they haven’t (yet) (since before)

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hey, litten!!

time to go find the other thread

hi atlas
I got to go in five seconds

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five minutes
I should have been gone in twenty minutes ago

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theres something weird going on.