I’m very submissive when a town leader says they want to do sometnint

I’ve lost several prior BotC games on just assuming somebody was lock evil. I’m pretty sure it’s been exactly Bionic before? So I very well had the capacity to build non-Bionic evil worlds


at least we lost together
this time I didn’t lose to a may tutuu team

all of us lost together

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You cannot make assumptions like that in BotC

What can I say, Bionic is a master of seeming to be lock evil regardless of alignment

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Someone needs to make a bet against arctic where he joins a botc game

tutuu bully arctic

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You were lock evil first.

On purpose

Big difference

Oh also Atlas TMIed information about their own ability and I didn’t catch it



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BotC my friend you’d be raking in the cash.
BotF, 4 sounds about right.

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It was in public fucking thread this is your fault as much as mine I just hold myself to high standards

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I love being turned evil via a Mezepheles, a Kazali, a Fang Gu etc.
I am not a very pro-town BotC player :stuck_out_tongue:

What did I miss

nothing could make me join a non-official script botc game

I’ve fixed this sentence to make it more concise/

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I thought that “becomes a Demon” would just mean a change of character type and not character itself or abilities, Atlas was insisting that if they became a Demon they’d be able to kill, and was very confident about this in thread