Betray isn’t universlly bad? Your individual best outcome is supposed to be you betray and the other person cooperates. The way this role worked was not a prisoners’ dilemma at all

It does make sense concept wise if you just take it out of the perspective of gaming inside the game. Though we assumed that all outsiders would claim at the VERY least until the end of the game (I think bionic still couldn’t say anything because his corpse might be re-executed?).
I think that maybe the outsider providing more apparent upsides was kind of a trap to fall into.

And well it’s just prisoner dillema, I was assuming it was referring to the psychological effect studied, that you can choose to betray (snitch). I didn’t really assume it meant betraying literally :sob:

the way the role worked was
Ally/Betray (You learn Info) > Ally/Ally (Nothing) > Betray/Betray (Poisoned) > Betray/Ally (You DIe)
so in my opinion that was a prisoner’s dilemma

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poison for one night probably wouldve been more balanced but im not sure that wouldve affected how the game played out literally at all

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Oops nope, bionic could’ve just told us, because he was DEAD

That’s fair but saying “betray is bad why would you ever betray” as others did is missing the point

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I’m not sure if I paid attention, I think he maybe confessed to some point, though peeps forgot as they were scumread.

It was permanent???

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design oversight
it was intended to be one night and then i forgot to put it in the text

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and then i forgot why i thought that the current text was a bad idea

i think that it couldve been legitimately really cool if kii didnt claim it too
like you want to pick two people who dont trust each other because there are very real cases for picking a teammate

anyways this is why you shouldnt let me do role design
my heart is beating really bast
i think im gonna faint
so bye i guess

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For this game I didn’t really like the roles that could just faux confirm themselves, it was bad :(. Besides that point, I think it’s ok.

I love any lizard games

Also, goodness. What was the part with elections? Did I hallucinate? Does it not even give stuff?

Wait omg MAY, we legit elected you and you got NOTHING

“why would you ever betray” is clearly silly, but “why would betray/betray be better than ally/ally” → “Kii is lying” seems ~reasonable (from my perspective as someone who was not in and did not follow the game)


Betray/Betray wasn’t said to be better than Ally/Ally

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At least not to me