Ally/Ally was said to be sober/healthy/true info but “something bad happens”, betray was said to be “something bad happens”

arguably ally/ally shluldve probablt done somrthing minorly positive for both sides (even if its like you both recieve sober and true info tonight) to make it a true prisoners dilemma but i do kinda see it

Kiiruma kind of tricked us too badly with the outsider claim. I wonder, did Bionic not claim his outsider role not once after the game?

Wait, literally first post in

Accckckckc I missed it

Again the STs did in fact imply Bionic’s role was impossible so I don’t blame us for that one


permant poison could have been hot fixed and probably should have been

not that it affected anything but

And if Bionic’s role was impossible than Kiiruma was confirmed. There was literally nothing that could be done so long as we believed that fact

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I still think buonic was basically a vt

Yes he was

kii claimed the reverse

Claiming “important and powerful” is literally nothing

it probably wouldve been if it mattered (which it didnt)

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The hosts said outsiders either hurt the good team or cripple social play and bionic did none of those things

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I never thought that was true and when I said it in front of literally everybody I was never corrected

elections gave death protection to evil players who got elected
all the abilities were made up by evil players (otter/kii/atlas)

If it helps, I didn’t realise it was permanent, otherwise why would I choose the same players multiple times?

this one isnt my fault at least

But that’s because I drunk’d Otter. So Otter couldn’t give anything that day y’know~

i think that its because kii phrased it as “agree/agree” when the question was “would you agree to betray X” which sounds like ally/ally but is actually betray/betray