
NWC is bad

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This outsider used to directly cause a loss btw

And now its just “you have to ask to drop the bomb, they can say no btw”

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What does that do

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You can’t even execute the demon with this

it baffles me that “klutz but objectively not as bad” is on the same script as “transferable drunk” and “there’s an extra evil player now” and “forced madness on alive players even if you’re dead”

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If you die and the football is on the demon the game is over

Character design

I also i like the dichotomy between “minion that mechanically resolves itself with no downsides” vs “minion that can lose people the game by fearmonging with no notifications”


oh so a free demon clear?

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Each night, choose a player: if they’re executed tomorrow, you must ask to drop The Bomb with them.

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What does that mean


Oh I thought it was until you changed it

basically like klutz in that if you pick an evil player you lose. but it only goes off if you or they get executed (i think MAD man also goes off if they get executed now? or was that an old version)

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Bomb is instant game over unless it’s legion game

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If the bomb is dropped and at least 1 good player offered to do it, evil wins

Unless comintern is in play in which case good wins


that doesn’t answer “what asking means”

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Yeah it’s you or they

It might be nwc is weird

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If you select an evil player they just drop the bomb with you and win

Anyone can ask to drop the bomb at any time

You’re just forced to make the proposal