I just sent all my actions a few min ago lmao

  1. @SirDerpsAlo
  2. @Brakuren
  3. @otterpop
  4. @Magnus - DIED N
  5. @Amelia

I didn’t mean to ping

I posted that early

If Magnus was evil then I would have been dead n2 as they know my actual role

I thought you guys were the same alignment

we are

As in yoy know they are

we just know we are revolutionaries with each other. We don’t know each other’s alignment

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@may did you read bionic iso


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You should

I got distracted by Sporcle quizzes

I am not mad

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There’s an issue in assuming I was a starpass Demon, one who could presumably only pass in the night (or else it would be safer to willingly allow myself to be executed, or at least delay the nightkill), while simultaneously having the ability for Brak to be my Marionette (which doesn’t really work because then it would be my ability, not his, so you’d be changing his Minion pick against his will), and possibly Outsider modification on top of that if you consider starting!Townsfolk Someone (I don’t, but the Noble pings imply it, I went into brief detail over it during the whisper). I’ve also never whispered Amelia nor had the means to send a message by proxy because we aren’t neighbours, so I couldn’t have requested to die; and since I’d be a Minion in that scenario with a presumably damaging ability, I wouldn’t want to die instead of wasting an execution anyway.

Etcetera etcetera.

For some reason I’ve thought you guys were Neigbors.

We’re living neighbours, if that helps.

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I think copy and pasting the list so many times made me think you guys were neigbors

Or we were for a night.

Not when ur as deep in their pocket as you are in the world you’re W/T