If bionic was starting wolf derps wolf equity skyrockets


I can’t remember a single thing I said to or about bionic when they were alive off the top of my head lol

Because one of the reasons I haven’t out right stated is I don’t think you are paired with someone and yoy sofred wolf multiple times to someone.

Rather I have but just stopped stating it

I thought it would be fun to be ambiguous about my alignment to someone after they claimed the ability to swap alignments

Although if Someone’s claim is real in part then it’s an Outsider claim who lied about a lot of things, imo. As previously stated, that’s not a Townsfolk ability.

I think my reaction to someone saying you checked me and me immediately whispering you after that should be a pretty good look for me tho

Their entire flag claim contradicts itself repeatedly, so I don’t really trust the whole mechanism as far as I can throw it.

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I am not mad

You were looking for advice on whether or not to claim evil to them, considering someone showed you the judgment card which would imply that you are in a good social position, and you have been claiming evil to them so it would imply to keep doing it

I’m just pointing out that it makes no cohesive sense in your ISO, as if you had different ideas of what you wanted them to represent at any one time.

That’s my interepttation, that’s also why I never corrected you saying the judgment card and I just went on about how it means you are in a good spot socially or mechanically to win the game

All someone told me was if I understood my position I could make a positive change or something along those lines I don’t think he even mentioned the tarot part initially

I could just be remembering wrong tho

Oh, that’s right

I didnt intentionally

I wanted to hide who “told” me that

If you wanted to hide it why did he immedaitely ask me

Do you guys understand why I don’t think they are w/w