…i think

Reread the 1810

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dont get it
byt im gonna boeerend ivdo

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Am I misunderstanding you guys, brscaude Brakuren stated they did not know whether or not you guys were actually aligned while you have implied the opposite

The first one is a good point. Of course we can’t verify Someone’s exact ability, like maybe they could only flip once, but that’s not too convincing and it would make for a daunting risk nonetheless. I suppose you wouldn’t have known at the time that Kiiruma could’ve gained or used the ability to disempower Someone the following day, but the Vizier would make for an invaluable asset nonetheless.

Bionic could be a Mez-adjacent character, but Someone was seemingly intending to bluff alignment-change/evil-side right off the bat. So the Mez assumption is weird from the onset, so it’d just be a self-affecting ability. You wouldn’t have told w!Someone who the evil team was even if you wanted to convert them, as demonstrated by previous incidents. But if someone else did, like SDA, you would’ve intervened. Huh.

Funny enough I was PUSHING someone to get the team out of derp

Let me go back to the messages

I don’t know what your understanding is so I can’t rightly say.

So basically someone spent 100 messages explanining his role in the most roundabout way possible and then I was like how dos this have to do with derp this is a random ass non sequittur and they told me to not tell derp or the plan falls apart and they were like I’m in a position to learn the entire team since derp was talking to me and I was like yep yep sounds good yoy go little guy! Feed him my rome to lie to him to make him feel like it’s ok to out to you you got this lil snake charmer (summary) and then I was going through derps iso to figure out what this means and I noticed deep was heavily softing being able to win with someone and I made all these assumptions off this since deep was Obviouslt softing wolf to someone

that’s basically the summary

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I was basically cheer leading him on tj get him to get derp team

Oh lord…

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You understand now why

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There’s a core rule in botc

It’s fine! I love being the arbiter of chaos receiving consequences for my existence and (some) buffs from mayor life. I’m hoping that the mayor actually works and gives me something nice tonight after all Otter has said from the start that it’s a might ability.

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So I guess it’s it’s very possible to paint me as evil who was trying to damage control but I was actively encouraging that fire if I was evil instead of trying to fan it out.

Which, if I was a minion, I would have always talked to an evil player, same with demon, solely because I’m a control freak for precisely these reasons, so like

To play devils advocate it’s entirely possible I could have seen I’m claiming a role that can predict the future.

I am not mad

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