Whisper synopsises are really amusing to me, because I know how you feel about having to fake detailed whispers after the Serpent and the Swordsman, yeah. Specific key words are really specific so it generally sounds like a believable interaction that unfolded out of sight.

This caught my eye. It’s an unverifiable statement, engaged with a now outed!evil player. The timeline is that SDA whispers Someone on the first day, and softs evil. You whisper Someone on the second day, and presumably find out about SDA’s claim. You would never out as evil to Someone in this context, but let’s assume you do encourage them. Then, on the same day, SDA prompts a whisper with you for fifty minutes. In the scenario where you and SDA are both evil, at this point you’d likely reprimand and ward them off. SDA tries to whisper Someone again the next day, and you tell him not to do so out of concern. This would imply the previous conversation ended abruptly, or uncertainly. SDA pushed on you not long after, lending itself to this impression. Skimming whispers, I don’t think Someone whispered either of you again, so they’d still be uninformed.

But the Storytellers can’t actually see the future.

But I thought you were the Oracle/FT not the DA. Smh

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I can summarize the whisper at that point. At that point, I claimed to him because I told him I would do the day prior, and since he was claiming a politician type role, I told him that if he wanted to garner trust, he could have told Derp my actual role in order to prove that he’s siding with evil.

He actually, kinda, did, but in a funnier way, where he lied about one of my actions and told him that I saw a future where I saw “ They are about to have a huge positive change for them in the world, for example winning the game if they can understand their position.”

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Would you say that Derp is feeling powerless, as though they can’t advance their win condition socially or mechanically right now?

It was his claimed Minion pick.

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The general meaning in the Eight of Swords is that of a feeling of being trapped and victimized. You may feel powerless because, in your mind, you feel that changing the situation might be beyond you. This feeling of helplessness that you have, the feeling that you have no agency in your life, has played a major role in making your situation worse.

Surrendering one’s power to an unknown entity, whether it’s fate, or God, the government or something else means that you are giving away your own personal responsibility to affect change. You have willingly relinquished the driver’s seat in the journey of your own life, and it isn’t going well for you. It is advisable for you to avoid making an important decision at this time since your judgment is likely clouded.

The good news is that because these traps are things that we create ourselves, we can also leave them if we put our minds to it. It is simply the matter of taking off the blindfold and seeing beyond the limited perspective that we created for ourselves - to see the possibilities, and to recognize that you have your own internal power

The future is accurate guys! I’m a wizard!

My minion would’ve been cool…
A minion village idiot.
Because it doesn’t feel like it’d be at all suited to it, so I was wondering what it’d be like.


Plus it would’ve been more suited to this forum


I wanted Devil’s advocate because I thought the hosts would do something cool with madness maybe being able to stop executions, which I thought was interesting.

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Yes I’m roasting everyone here including myself but yall are cool :stuck_out_tongue:
Are we a bunch of village idiots? Yes in some games for sure.
But we’re good fun too and can solve shit lol

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I had Moonchild because I love killing and dying


Oh yeah, and if you think soemone knew our team let me grab a quote

Not nominally so. If he was good, he could nominate or advocate for his survival or whatever, although his Monk protections seem to have been on base so he wouldn’t have much of a mechanical influence at the moment. If he was a Minion, getting executed with his current information isn’t too bad. It would only really make sense to me for the Demon, whose primary suspect had been killed due to means that were out of his hands when he was going up on the block, to feel that way. Particularly since it’s meant to be literal.

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Minion Moonchild: Once per game you may use this ability to die and take 2 good players with you. Any other killing characters cause arbitary deaths during the night in which you use this ability.


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But you also have to publicly choose the players the previous day or something like that?

At this point in time, Marluna told me that SOMEONE was currently evil. I promised Someone the day prior that if he ever became evil, I would help turn him back to good (I lied). You could believe it’s a fake interaction, but it at least shows that there was some behind the scenes stuff where I was convincing him that if he ever needed help with turning back, I’ll help him.

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It occurred to me that evil twins claiming masons would’ve been really funny.

All my tarots have been quite literal so far, yes.