Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

@Sadbi this is pretty much why I said to throw Silviu into the “don’t kill on D1” pile fyi
I agree with min and Vulgard on this. Idk if it’s towny but it’s markedly unlike his known wolf game.

On serious note I meant the that host post that an cult can attack two targets

I can already tell this is becoming multi-ball

Ftr i do question the Silviu spam voting but I’ll figure it out later, if ever. :person_shrugging:

And I think you played with me in another game too but idr what it was lol

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How does it become multiball? I thought the evil faction was probably just called the cult?

I have played a few but he usually fluffs. I will say when silviu is evil he usually accidentally mech outs himself in botc… so hey may solve himself?

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Oh, different ancient spirits maybe. Have a common goal but having personal agenda.

Nevermind then.

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I do have faint idea as in why, but even there are better ways than snap voting

Millium wolfreads my opener and some people are sheeping them
That is literally it

If you ML me over this, at least it won’t be my fault this time, unlike in the Champs qualifier

You have 60 left, it’s not so few that you would need to “conserve”

Creature has started coasting after being cleared
Which is unfortunate but far from uncommon for villagers

How do people keep making this mistake
(it’s funny, but very consistent for some reason)

VOTE: Italy

I have done this before and I can do so again, hear me out however:

This is mere coincidence

The reason I am voting him however is that Italy isn’t contributing on day 1. I see no reads, just fluff.

@Italy can I have your top 3 town/scum reads? Thanks, don’t let us down

If I do go over, then I would reconsider Millium, because town Millium should understand one thing: pushing this pet read over on day 1 is a terrible idea

This is self-centered but I do think it warrants consideration

Millium could be a villager who’s decided to tunnel me all game long based on my opener, but I give their wolfgame enough credit to at least consider the possibility they’re taking the opportunity to ML me day 1 with little consequence (and in a way, I give their towngame more credit than ‘tunnels someone based on opener and doesn’t reconsider’)

Cause thats how i say it in my head XD unless i am wrong

This is without a doubt colored by the fact I’m the player being pushed, but in essence, I’m saying that you should look at Millium if I flip

This isn’t 100% a wrong villager like I said (or believe I said) about Marl in the Champs qualifier

No u dont

Main issue is the fact their read on me is stale

It hasn’t changed in any way throughout the game as I’ve posted more content

And it’s still based on the same thing

You’re just proving my point

Meh im not in the mood for this at 5 am

If you can just spam Vulgard Wolf without giving any argument and it actually gets people on my wagon then why would you not do that as a wolf

If you were a villager I feel like your read would actually evolve

If you’re a villager then I’ve actually tried to work with you and you shut that down at every opportunity, it’s not my fault

Im not sure why ur macro content should change my read when im a micro solver