Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

While you are holding on thought that I am mafia KP, what is mafia KP suppose to do before they can do damage? Not attract undue attention that get me executed.


That’s not an argument :sob:

you’ve been purposely avoiding thread and giving good-reasoning reads, and engaging with the people pushing you in a thoughtful manner

can you refute what i said, preferably with quotes

Silviu, their argument stands with neighborhood having one villager and one wolfy isn’t exactly a strong argument either.

We can’t really argue about the neighborhood structure

Litten have been proven wrong in FAM3, he can be proven wrong again.

Not to mention april showers overhaul, that was more insane

I am pretty sure that all 4 of us can be wrong at any time. But that’s not what I mean here

@Atlas are you seriously wanting me to target you?
Or do I check the potential miller (Magnus)?
Or just random pick?

Me and Kiiruma are going to be best friends.

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Is there a post min? Have I reached it yet?

yeas ithink

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That right?

im back from the eye appointment
turns out my eyes are awesome
what’s happening

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you come off on hours nobody is there to post, sooo

i don’t see why not
the cw’s should get vigged if we have any

I really have no idea what to do here

It wastes my action since I’m assuming you’re not a wolf who’s asking me to do this because you believe that I’m as lost as I am in thread.

why tf does italy have 6 votes what