Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

And I have been voted mostly by players that are awake, middle in the day and I am sound asleep in bed.

Notoriously the bane of timezones, acitivity.

Are we seriously bringing this up?

@Frostwolf103 why are you town

If you can keep me alive while having my wincon, attempt to do so.
After all, Iā€™m an inf shot cop + evil neighbouriser + flip changer.

I am very happy to be friends with you and Cassandra though :blobby:

That is a question I have to prove it first

if you have any better ideas you can go for it
im not holding a cheque or a gun
at you

but judging from the fact im only going to get townread if i read and kill people i think are right when threadā€™s largely ignoring my contributions, i canā€™t think of anyone better


Oki doki. Iā€™m fine using it on you (RIP my 1st action I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is that for real? :eye:

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Look, what I am saying is that I have contributed a little and that is fine. I am not big fan of mashes

Yep. Literally havenā€™t told a lie this game except if Iā€™m correctly interpreting the fact that ā€œI am a player in my own hoodā€ then I wonā€™t flip as an ancient spirit despite technically being one (and in reality 100% being not lmao)

Buuuuuut claiming your abilities isnā€™t risky? (Be careful!!!)

Oh itā€™s risky af, but Iā€™ve been risky this game by coming forth basically saying ā€œHi, Iā€™m a player town needs to kill to win but weā€™re friendsā€.

Iā€™m lost with what else I shouldā€™ve done there. Just kept quiet? Maybe. But hey, itā€™s fun

Neuts Outside person got neutral role

ā€œAh screw it, I donā€™t take any sides or chances. We are going to ball, gentlemen, we are so going to ballā€

Iā€™m insanely neuts in (See FAM 3 for the Kiiruma card!) so this is perfect for me

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Monocle emoji ruma. As you reveal you are neutral chaotic, is there some sort of method of your madness? (gasps)

Yeah I think thatā€™s where Iā€™m at as well

My head hurts

Kill Frost and go to D2 I think

Also reminding people for the last time that my role needs to be turned Sane in order to work so please do that

I probably wonā€™t be coming back because my head really hurts but regardless Iā€™m staying on this wagon


I would disagree with this decision, there is nothing added for what makes me scum and that worries me.

Okay, how can this be done?

Yes thats the point of hood, I did ask him to work on that socially so I can provide help on how I perceive his reads and more.