Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

At some point someone said Silviu was mech town, can someone help me out with understanding that?

In regard to my Wisdom read, I see the points made against the slot, but I’ve seen it MLed enough times to be wary of targeting them until I’ve seen more

So far, I’d say they’re in both ranges


I thought Jarek was mech town
And probably Atlas too

I agree with this fwiw
I feel like I do ok at reading Wisdom but she hasnt been in the game long enough to feel confident
Which is why I’m neither shielding nor tunnelling

Another honestly moment, vulgsrd has been pretty open about their need to be insane, and i probably dont expect him as a wolf to hint at anything, and it clears puts him as a target because he pseudo claimed insane which means he can make night kills

My role requires people being sane which means i cant effect people they cpuld perform night kills. Which means my role is just -town ev

I don’t remember that

I would also like to know :joy_cat:

I get the impression half the game has been called mech town but almost all of this “mech” is vague and unreliable

It is possible. We cannot rule anything out this game. But honestly I have nothing better to go with and I am side eyeing you, so you trying to play devils advocate here makes me even more think “Hmmm…”

A lot of people were fighting me when I said Silviu was meta town yesterday, what happened to that by the way

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I honestly think I’d have more to go with as wolf at this point but I think your approach is valid!

He said he needs to be sane, not insane
So he was insane yesterday and became sane last night.

Anyway I think beancat said something about being able to help negative town utility? But she also said something like being unable to affect insane targets so lol

I have no idea what this says

You are making this game more esoteric than it already is

My meta dive didnt like all this fluff compared to their overall post volume

And i still dont particularly like it, but you and windy have both said otherwise, so idk anymore

People are still fighting it, I’m not sure why tbh
I’m not even bothering to think more about silviu, he’s very likely to be town

There is a sign that says “food this way” on this train, which leads to a dead end

The world is cruel!

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Day 2 Votecount

Magnus (5): Kiiruma, Litten, Italy, Sadbi, guavagudetama
Wisdom (1): L.una
L.una (1): Wisdom
Sarasvati (1): WindwardAway
Vulgard (1): min
Zenon (1): Artemis
Jaiden (1): Jarek
Scorbunny (1): Vulgard

Not Voting (11): Zenon, Silviu200530, Hazardwaste, beancat, Jaiden, Atlas, Frostwolf103, Cassandra, Scorbunny, Magnus, Millium

I got on a train once that had a hand symbol on the doors that you push to open
But the hand had six fingers :joy_cat:

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It appears that trying to mechanically solve this game is hard.


I’ll admit this could be a misread, which is why I’m asking about it

I haven’t seen him do much of anything today

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I’m leaving him alone for now
If he doesn’t contribute much today or tomorrow, I’d reeval to make sure he didn’t just decide to go way out of his wolf range to get townread and then coast

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I like how there are at least three people who’ve said I claimed my sanity when I never did
I only said I needed to be turned Sane
I didn’t claim my actual sanity because I found it unnecessary to do so