Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

i keep on coming to thread and wondering why I’m completely incapable of doing anything and why i have so much brainfog and yeah no I’m just sick

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I do not know what Cassandra card looks like, it’s incredibly vague stating that you could ask Cassandra to do something. Which she might do?

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There’s a chance she’s evil and Kiiruma may need to kill her but I cannot confirm or deny because the wording looks incredibly…weird.

luna whats your deal

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You can’t kill someone this cute.

liking isnt an answer

I am an ancient spirit with the win condition to banish all other ancient spirits.

okay but like

I copied Kiiruma’s win condition.

no like why are you that in the first place
where do you fit in here

Originally I assumed that Cassandra had the same powers as me. I do not know. All I know is that I was asked to fill in a slot for this game.

so who was asked to fill in a slot for this game exactly

I cannot say till the game ends.

…i see

why do you bring up cassandra when I ask you what you are? What do you think their relation to you is now

I do not know.

what do you think

So, to summarise things…

I don’t know if Cassandra (or L.una) is on my side / I need to kill either of them to win.
I know Cassandra is in my hood and will often vote who I say.
And that L.una is in my card and we can discuss whenever due to that too.

I don’t know either of their cards / wincons.
I only have what L.una claims is that L.una shares my card and doesn’t count towards the conditions.

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The way Kiiruma’s role is worded implies they are not on our side.

There is 1 specific word which makes it sound like Cassandra might have something against me in the end, but is an ally of chance.

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