Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I thought that was just Guava, and idk why Guava wants you dead either tbh

stop thinking about how you look
play how you think is right

itā€™s really that simple

This is so towny wtf

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Italy is town yes.

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Kiiruma is setting me up to die, Iā€™m not voting Magnus and Iā€™m defending them because the lack of anything happening doesnā€™t sit right with me.

Consider this dialogue my legacy when D3 rolls around and magnus flips as a wolf, fake or otherwise, and everyone starts witchunting me.

I donā€™t do well under that kind of pressure because I very easily become a doom-poster

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If Wisdom is a wolf I did everything right yesterday and still failed.

I donā€™t think Italy is an obvious villager but I donā€™t really have any desire to kill him anymore.

Some of his earlier posts today were far better than his yesterday posts imo. They donā€™t look like they are in his scum range.

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are you dead yet

I wish.

if your answer is ā€œnoā€ then stop moping and start playing

Iā€™ll like to remind everyone that Wisdom complained about people suspecting them for playing bad and then continued to play badly.

Not exactly fair. At all.

Iā€™ll also like to remind everyone that Wisdom wagon should have taken off this game. It hasnā€™t though.

can you answer the question i asked to you and min earlier; why was marlā€™s d1 scummy enough to vote a solidly null slot today

I have certainly been pushing agenda this game, ā€˜tis true. Nevermind that I had no impact on the final execution yesterday and in fact opposed it.

I publicly asked for a neighbourhood with Jarek so you could scratch him off the list.

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youā€™re still a player until you die
you arenā€™t crippled nor are you silenced
the only person crippling and silencing you is yourself
it doesnā€™t matter what your alignment is if all you let yourself add up to is dead weight

Then this I guess.

Oh. Wisdom didnā€™t post anything else since the last time I interacted with her.

Idk why I thought she might have. Well, I still need to sort her in that case. But Iā€™m not voting her unless Iā€™m very confident sheā€™s a wolf, and I thought Marl was town and Wisdom isā€¦ Wisdom tbh.