Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Im following my gut yall can do w/e
VOTE: vulgard

Scor, whereā€™s your head at?

Dont touch bun btw
Ill finally die on this hill


I meant in terms of the game.

Nods in agreement

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silviu if you could kill everyone on one wagon which would it be

sickland means im not focusing on the game for much


Do you have any thoughts at all that you could share?

i have not thought anything about this game

Kiiruma (4): guavagudetama, Zenon, Italy, Sadbi
Jaiden (4): Magnus, Wisdom, Hazardwaste, Vulgard
Magnus (4): Litten, Cassandra, Jaiden, min

in order
guava was okay d1 but i donā€™t remember a post from him today
zenon is fine
italy is just slanking that we should kill if they donā€™t get any better
sadbi is just. there. their d1 was fine, but other then that, nothing memorable

magnus is always going to be a wagon
wisdom has marl going for her but her d2 is pretty bad, and the only reason i want to keep the slot alive is the ghost of christmas past himself
hazard is just not doing much, mech or otherwise. heā€™s solely focused on kiiruma when i see him, which is just bad tunnelvision
vulgard has a good d1 but today heā€™s pretty unmemorable and pushes without much of the vigor i would expect him to
litten had a good d1 and a fine d2, and heā€™s pretty starkly outside of what i recall from his scummeta, although thereā€™s something that could ruin this entirely
cassandra is a worthless kill
jaiden has a vaguely bad-meh d1, and an okay d2. not really worth it, and should be capable of getting better
min isnā€™t in his scummeta despite not having nearly as much thoughts as i want from him, and i hopefully get to advance on this more

Oh I get it now! :joy_cat:

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I think Jaidenā€™s wagon is the most suspicious, then Magnus, then Kiirumaā€™s.

I have no reads on anyone on the Kiiruma wagon which makes it way more likely that thereā€™s a wolf there!

This is one of those moments where you canā€™t understand my mind set because itā€™s pure instinct but I generally have a good instinct when it comes to mafia

the whole ā€œwagonning a claimed cop 4 hours from eod like every single dayā€ thing really sounds like overly confident people trying to feign confidence when they donā€™t know what to do

In terms of composition, that is.

I honestly donā€™t think any of them are wolves (or that Kiiruma is strictly lying).

With ā€œa wolfā€ I mean 2-4 btw

infact pretty much everyone from this list except hazard and the robot are usually confident
and theyā€™re just deadstuck on wagons for barely any reason beside magnuses

@guavagudetama :heart:

Where are you