Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

Becausec it gives me pleasure to just kill confirmed town

That, you did

Hmm, what do you think of Magnus?

Why are you curious to know Zenonā€™s read on me when you havenā€™t yet asserted a read on me either?


This question is not for you

My character is the best ever

Mainly that they are Magnus and I am not town reading them.

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What did I miss?

1000 posts, my god. Yeah, Iā€™m probably not keeping up with this game in full.

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Welcome to the club

Let me read him first, I think my read on him is pretty good.

Thereā€™s not even that many posts. Iā€™m not even capped yet

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Reading Atlas a bit and I find him very villagery; I especially liked his wall of quotes and responses that included me.

I donā€™t remember who was wolfreading him, but I think theyā€™re wrong.

what do you MEAN 600 posts

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ā€¦Yeah, and?
Youā€™re doing nothing this game.

Yeah, I probably do need to backread, Iā€™m getting nowhere like this.

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It means, thereā€™s been 600 posts and people are actively contributing to the game.
Anyway, do you need a small counterwagon on you to give you some pressure or are you feeling like youā€™re able to catch up and read more by yourself?

God, not you too. Why does it always happen? I TR someone early and Iā€™m called W/W with them :joy_cat:

Anyway now that Iā€™m in a murderous mood (My character cannot murder. Theyā€™re not insane. Only I am)
Iā€™m going to just do plenty of things.

After all, I do have some good friends. And those who arenā€™t so good, might find some glass getting them to be better. :slight_smile:

Hazardā€™s on the tightrope for me. I townread L.una and Cassandra. (Yes, I know. Itā€™s weird Iā€™m reading the 2 things which feel not player controlled but they seem like friends.) I think min and Millium might be town. Frost Iā€™m on the fence about and I have slight wolf reads on Marl/Litten but it could be due to deepwolf paranoia and instantly wanting them to not be able to deepwolf lol

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