Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I just meant that he’s probably unlikely to talk about other players if you keep making him self-conscious.

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fortune cookies always have the most esoteric, illogical things ever written on them
they aren’t even fortunes
when will the day come where i open a fortune cookie and see “watch out for that truck”

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this ignores the point
wind has seen you pocket your town friends as scum
you also being nicer to them in general isnt too relevant

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Because I wanted him to give a read he wants to vote other than Litten who seem more likely to be legit.

If Litten is a W then he’s intentionally pretended to be annoyed about “failing a post restriction” and then had the ability to mod post / make it so their team gets an extra kill with a downside of it being announced.

I’m shrug on Marl because I think still being on Litten feels weird. I’m happy to read into others too.

Even though I’ve told him multiple times that I expect that of him?

Plenty of people have tried to bully me into playing how they want and it never works out

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Wow am I the only one who read Marl’s entire ISO
I saw him say he thought Litten was scum and would vote there, he thought Frost was scummy and was waiting to see if he’d improve or if he was just scum, and I saw him push Atlas pretty hard as well, if my memory serves correctly. And it should, because I ISO’d him within the last half hour.

Yes. But why is he not voting for Frost or Atlas despite what has happened

Never works out for them, or for you?

Telling people to go do something is not guaranteed to make them do it. Especially if they’re town, because they have no reason to people-please.

VOTE: Jaiden

@Cassandra I’d love it if you could vote Jarek for now :heart: I’ll happily interact with you. We can be friends.

for them
i have a good mech reason for jarek being town

I’m the type to cut my nose off to spite my face, if that makes sense.

That is to say, I like proving people wrong, and dying as town when they were so sure I was evil is pretty funny.

If I’m evil I cave into that kinda stuff easier because I obviously can’t do that, but I’m not evil here :sunglasses:

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I’m not asking him to people-please, I’m asking him to contribute to the game he signed up for.

Because he hasn’t been in the thread in eons? Idfk, I’ll admit that one is a valid question but I really don’t think making him a huge wagon is the best way to make him answer when you can literally just ping @Marluxion and ask whether he’s willing to move to Frost or Atlas or whomever.

Jaiden and Jarek have both not really been too towny.
If Jarek is town then like, I kinda just wanna see something more.
It’s why I’m voting for Jaiden and I’m asking Cassandra to vote Jarek as I feel like they’ll usually listen to me and follow hopefully as long as I’m nice


Yeah, and my point is that he doesn’t owe you that.

I’m literally no longer on Marl because I’m half agreeing with you and half disagreeing with you in frustration of how some things are going aaaa

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Story of my life

I never look town D1 and I like it that way, I get more suspicious when everyone thinks I’m good early on than when everyone calls me evil