compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

In hazard and magnus’ houses

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…wait a minute.
This is a waiting game!

I can’t do this. I can’t wait.

@Magnus @Chomps
One of youse. Whisper time.
One or both. I don’t care. I need to either do something or forget this game’s existence for the next 12 hours.


We just ended Night 1, so if a Xaan included just one Outsider that’s when the mass poison would’ve been spread. There could be zero Outsiders with a Xaan, but it wouldn’t be the standard expectation nor would it especially aid evil.
In any case, it’s not an impactful variable yet.

My puppy’s name is “Echo”, not “Evil”! You must’ve misheard it don’t worry.

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I would recommend you both whispering each other first. At the moment I think it’s better for you both to exchange information and hold each other accountable when it’s unlikely for both evils to be online.

Three-way whisper. I did it before, so I can do it again. BotF typically never breaks the mold.

There are only two Evils, so this way, there is at least one Good in the whisper.

Proposal: Three-person claim-trade.

That results in one extra whisper spent.
Not worth it.

i can’t think game rn other than my consult

later i can

Welp. “Today” is no good then.
Time to sleepze.


Have a good night, we can catch up near nominations if so desired — just taking a quick breather. Just remember to actually use all your whispers each day, yet do pace them out.

/Storyteller Consult. @Where_Evil_Sleeps

I plan on using my once per game only ability today, so I’ll just go right out and claim here now. I’m the slayer. Hoping I can hit the demon and am not currently poisoned too. This should make solving the game a bit easier as well.

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Calling it a night now too so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

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That’s a double claim I’m the slayer

because I FUCKING SLAY :nail_care:

May or may not be reality

Couldn’t sleep and you’re not the slayer. I am.


Now good night again. :sleepingleafeon:

Reminder for everyone to set this game thread to Watching when you have a chance, so that you don’t inadvertently miss activity.

Nightmares can hold a grasp on your psyche, but I think we have a particular method to see through the mist here. Notify me if you have a whisper request, I’ll be around shortly thereafter; in the meantime I’m awaiting the players who haven’t uttered a word yet.