compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

hazard did u claim the same thing to magnus that u did with me

yep. you two are my only hard claims

what if you lied and your hard claim was actually a fake claim

wont back down from it. but i dont back down from claims in general

Personally I wish I had Noble pings of, like, Hippo / Hazard / Icet instead of slots who innately draw suspicion most games through no fault of their own— hmm.

have we had an outsider claim? 9 is yuck i forgot how much i hate 9 player games

i still think jarek is the sussiest noble ping

im your ogre

your play this game warrents against it

I don’t agree but I also have an actual reason to entrust I’m not noble ping

I also haven’t done anything so idk where that’s even coming from


i have reasons to trust the other 2 people

I’ve been seen by a HP and my starting information is something I’d actually believe a HP would want to know if it implied something important

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i see

ooooh… a hp seeing a non noble in this game is wild

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By itself it’s something I would just accept with a HP being told to visit me as well, I’m deciding that it’s worth actually overthinking what I got

maybe zone is the sussiest noble ping

why is HP not in the tool yet

I did not feign enthousiasm. That was me processing the setup on the fly. Unlike some of youse who write their thoughts down in PMs, I dump all my thoughts in public since those thoughts are as good as junk anyway.

Pre-game promise to get me out of the game ASAP if I were to join. I see that Hippo doesn’t intend to follow his promise. Though, no surprise there, really.

Dunno what this means, or how you came to this conclusion. The closest thing related to this is your Noble claim, to which I said I definitely trust Jarek over Chomps.

If I wanted to gather information, then I would’ve played the normal way instead of insisting the three-way or four-way whispers.

I never said never. (Unless I did, in which case: That is no longer the case.)

Elaborate how. I am not seeing the logic.
Never mind. This is true. This was the reason I wanted to do the three- / four-way whispers.

Dunno what this means, but I am done with Today. In the sense that “I don’t need to do anything anymore”. I nominated. I traded information. And that’s it. All that’s left is waiting for D2 so I can nominate Chomps.

I’m not sure how to go about saying what I have without saying too much but I do believe it implies there is a Xaan. Or perhaps a boffin.

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