compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

No. That’s just stupid.
There are too many roles two evils can fakeclaim, and I am not letting them run away from a counterclaim. (Speaking of CCs, wasn’t there a Slayer double claim?)

i am trying to think what would be a better thing to see day 1 then a noble on this script and i dont see anything. unless the ST sent the HP to a minion who didnt have a bluff yet. but i still think the noble is generally better

was just checking

i think it was jarek making a joke about the word “Slay”

I mean I’m down to just say what my role is so it might help

nah dont. unless you wanna whisper it to me

There ain’t anti-claim and I’m in a ping anyway so if I get killed I get killed it’ll help solve the other two


D2 Chomps
D3 Icet

I am ready to tunnel and throw away my future night results.

sure but only if I get a role back

i trade fairly.

ok /whisper hazardwaste

i am chomps lawyer

chomps has done absolutely nothing wrong look at his adorable white shiny teeth

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Oh wait. Hippo nominated Chomps.
I can move the schedule by one day.

VOTE: Chomps

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/whisper Jarek


you or me make?


Atlas clarified how the High Priestess wouldn’t see information roles predominantly just for that reason.

@Chomps Could we please whisper?


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