compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

outside of kiiruma has anyone else heard of any other outsider claims

Effectively speaking Jarek, Atlas’ approach here (which I like the sound of) means you would’ve only been contacted by a High Priestess because of your information if it were something you wouldn’t have otherwise felt need to share. If you would’ve felt like an island or some such, in practice.

Minus the Ogre infeststion? Yes but I was lied to, evident from the first moment. So effectively no.

i did

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i despise the fact that thread only gets interesting whenever im about to sleep cuz of timezones


I was thinking Zones lack of willingness to whisper was towny as they weren’t interested in collecting bluffs or giving bluffs. But in little monster do minions just get no bluffs? This might be a reason why zone has avoided whispering till they know landscape of claims better if this is the demon cuz presumably you’d want to wait a bit till half the town soft or slip their role lol

nice i now have 2 more hard claims from specific ppl for my grim lol

i see the vision

we were literally just talking about this lol. if theoretically a noble was given player a (hp), b, and c, with c being evil, would st give player b to talk for the hp to verify they’re both good? i could see it as i think its way too strong for town to send high priestess to a noble in this setup with noble as only n1 role but this is a way aroud it.

Lil’ Monsta Minions don’t receive any bluffs. I’m impressed you knew this, unless someone mentioned it offhandedly.

Atlas already outright confirmed before the game began what sort of information a High Priestess would receive. Seeing the Noble doesn’t grant any new information for the HP specifically since it’s likely to be shared aloud, it just confirms the Noble’s information (which is deemed unfun and too powerful).

Wait that’s actually an awesome reason you’re thinking way better about this than I.

mmmmmm Idk

Doesn’t that seem a bit too easy

are people going to juggle

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Juggle: Magnus-Noble, Kiiruma-Ogre, IceT- Mutant, Hippo - Farmer and… Fuck it Chomps - Vigormortis

and for fun @Where_Evil_Sleeps Consult!

Saving it for the last minute.

I’m the one that claimed slayer, not Hippo.

Jarek and me. I doubt his was serious though.

kill this man

i have snipped the demon like this 3 times before. i will do it again