oh yeah forgot.
i have a cold so i am gonna be really rocky. but i am happy to hear anything from anyone
Illness seems to be going around. Good luck breaking your cold.
wanna whisper?
I have no outstanding conflicts at the moment and it’s universally ideal so sure thing.
/Whisper @Hazardwaste.
I personally feel relaxed this game, I think that I’m just gonna be agreed upon to be town at some point and I’ll ride it out. I’m requesting not to be slayer shot @Hippopablompoyeetus as it’s just a waste of your shot when I’m certain others will town read me outside of your ability usage.
You’re thinking so hopefully it’s been at the expense of recognising the recipient of your reaction, just so you’re aware. Is it pattern recognition, thinking Hippo has a history of accusing you or some such and that muddled which name you were writing down? Or just something else?
Hip typically has a history of accusing of me.
And I’m purposefully being a bit vague but there is someone here who I believe will have 0 doubt on me being good.
got bored of waiting
I wonder whether you still find “it” fun or if it just feels anticipatory at this juncture. Time will tell.
I like being this character it makes things nice and simple for me.
I just get to trust someone :3
Gm chat
Altogether you have the sharp end of the stick, I think…
nyaaaaaaaaaa yeah
I was sick this past weekend
last game u were a minion and i wasnt even a slayer lol
VOTE: Zone
I cc
“Hip has a history of accusing me when im evil”