compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins


Mmm. No. Still a role I liked. I considered holding it back, but the HP was sent to me for a reason and that reason supercedes anything else

It should be fairly obvious to anyone who whispers to me what I am and why I drew the conclusions I did but my role will not be public unless someone goes against my wishes and outs it.


/whisper 1/3 @Jarek

What is your role? Not telling us only helps the evils.

actually in this style of game hiding certain evil can trip up evil later

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*info not evil


I’m not buying that Hazard. Especially when the person is dead. How can hiding the role of a dead person ever help the town? We need that info to help with solving.

lmk when ur here

hazard hows your baby

Cool. Poison it is then.

Hazard’s correct, actually. Let’s say two evils started hard defending each other throughout the game and accusing a specific pair of being evil to the exclusion of all others prior to me revealing Noble information, if I’d done that extremely late into the game. That’s an extreme example but to say “never” is embellishment.

I still can’t imagine a scenario where hiding a dead person’s role ever helps the town.

Also, in your scenario, withholding your noble info that late would hinder town greatly. Not help it. Do you really think anyone is going to believe a noble that doesn’t out their info D1?


Hows the fake info going?

Good night. :sleepingleafeon:

That’s priveleged information that only people who entertain a whisper will know