compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

are you confident in this claim?

im going to cook your baby

im going to freeze your uncle

im going to cut those tentacles off one by one


fried takoyaki

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You’re changing the stance by turning it into a case of believability rather than mechanical merit. The latter isn’t especially pertinent to this case anyhow as Jarek is sharing information, just not publicly. He’s doing this because he hates being made redundant after dying, but the merit is still there.

I’ve been reassured of its validity as a claim, I have no confirmation it’s not a bluff.



@Where_Evil_Sleeps CONSULT ME

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Surprising kill.
Seems to suggest Vigor or LM

@Hippopablompoyeetus if you whisper Hazard or Icet or anyone you just inordinately trust today, feel free to pass over my suspicion. I think it’s better if it’s not heard from me, specifically.

I don’t believe it’s necessarily Lil’ Monsta. Imp fits into at least one common scenario here.

Imp choosing to kill you feels… unusual though?

was i the only truthful whisper you had?

I said I outright didn’t tell you the truth earlier when you asked, and I claimed the same role to Icet.

i dont know why my brain took this as a yes.

@Jarek Nvm what i said about the noble ping. you go king

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It would be unusual but not unprecedented. Killing me necessarily frames it as either a Vigormortis kill (if I’m evil) or follows the basic expectation of Lil’ Monsta — if the Demon were the Imp, had already confidently claimed a bluff and didn’t expect my execution, particularly if no threatening roles were yet known to be in play or belonged to players more at risk of execution, it might be reasonable.

You’re all good. Any information I share in whispers is with the expectation and permission that others will share it elsewhere if it’s important, unless otherwise specified; if it pertained to your conversation with Jarek that’s fine!

Particularly since framing Lil’ Monsta in that world softclears them.

It’s a xaan game or my head is on a pike