compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

i agree its probably xaan.


open for whispers


Shortform BOTC has the problem much more prevailant where people head off to chats and you’re not seen as valuable to talk to because you’re dead

I don’t imagine it’s the same here but this is my insurance policy

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still open for whispers


Is anyone here now?

Whoever whispers me gets info i havent told anyone yet


u want to whisper me?

Magnus is lucky they died tbqh because that last minute jarek switch in last 30 mins after i went to bed was very sus. Based on what jarek said they were most likely town out of 3

Is it worth it for me? I reckon i can guess if my assumption in whisper was correct

Yup. I’ll make it.

/whisper Hippo

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You know how to win me over accept

I dont think you are correct. Willing to hard claim to you

no i fully agreed

You wanna know who I think is evil

I bet the saint claim that isn’t actually the saint is

Ay if anyones gonna be the Xaan it’s gonna be the one claiming the hardest to kill outsider

I’m a master chef in the cooking business