balloonist +1
vigor - 1
xaan adds nothing
or poisoner works with it too
You can have a single xaan and multiple poisons
It seems that it’d be either a Xaan game (With any demon really?)
Or a Poisoner + Vigor
I will say the funniest thought I have is lil monsta and it’s Xaan + Boffin or something like that
And if the evil team ever feel like they’re out of options they can give the baby to a good player and hope the ST gives an evil non-minion a pretty rough ability which could help the evil team gain a hold back on the game.
By good player I mean a non-minion if they think that non-minion might potentially be on their team.
Especially if they signal to that player somewhat.
I gotta drive but i have something else to say about the info
I don’t think that my worries were particularly founded.
I have realised something

basically we shouldnt think that only one person will be poisoned
the wording was “EXACTLY one person”
IN TURN it means that either 0 or 2+ people will be poisoned. in turn either we are looking at MASS poisoning or no poisoning at all. so this doesnt rule out worlds except poisoner + imp, poisoner + any minion not xaan, Vigor + any minion not xaan/poisoner
i hate fisherman
what if you’re poisoned though
The forget everything i am saying
But there is currently two outsider claims that i know of. So unless one is evil then i have to have been poisoned snipped
I have won a BOTC game in which I was the leviathan that put my evil teammates in bounty hunter pings, then myself
With that out of the way why can’t xaan be the reason for multiple poisons

With that out of the way why can’t xaan be the reason for multiple poisons
Forums is getting mad at me cause i am 25% of the replies here. ANYWAY
my first interpretation of the fisherman info was wrong. i thought i was being told only one person can ever be poisoned. but in fact it was more of “Exactly one person can not be poisoned.” meaning 0 or 2+ can so it can now be xaan.
Technically it’s advice that one informational source isn’t wrong, rather than information about the poison count. So in that case it’s more direct if you can operate just presuming it’s not a global Mathematician 1 for the entire game, for all intents and purposes.
This presumes last night wasn’t a Xaan night given it’s from your information, thereby indicating that in order for my information to be wrong, there necessarily needs to be a Poisoner who targeted myself and then another ongoing role. There could be a case for N1 Xaan with Leafia shooting Demon!Hazard, but as Hazard’s advice necessarily exists within the realm of being a Townsfolk it doesn’t quite work. The intent behind the initial unclear statement feels more like a warning of Math +2 rather than 0– in either case Icet feels like a reasonable suspicion once more, via overconfidently clearing Chomps who could’ve been holding the baby in non-SW worlds or else just from being in a pool of 2 evils within 5 players outside the Noble pings.
I digress my idle expenditure.
There exists yet another tangibility to incriminates w!Icet in Xaan worlds specifically, relating to pertinent discussions yesterday, but it’s not innately something which should be shared allowed.

echnically it’s advice that one informational source isn’t wrong
i also had a clarification that its “ANY” role. not just informational.
it could any informational or game state role